Common Toyota Forklift 7fbe15, choose to configure 48V560AH battery, how much does it take to charge electricity?
For example, we are now to calculate 560ah, 48V electricity bills. Electricity = electricity (degree) * electricity bill price (yuan) Here everyone says = kWh, here us electricity bill price: 1.5 yuan / kWh (subject to actual electricity price)
Depending on the above data:
Rated capacity: 560ah (5h refers to 5 hours of discharge rate in China)
Rated voltage: 48V
Electric bill price: 1.5 yuan / kWh
Energy (KWH) = voltage (V) ¡Á current (a) ¡Á time (h)
Then we must know the current (a) now.
The current here refers to the charger of the charge current 560ah charger is generally equipped with an 80A charger.
Current = 80A (Charging machine current is generally rated * 0.14)
For the above charger full of electricity, more than 8-12h, we take the time to get the time = 10h
Then, according to the formula, it can calculate the battery full charge:
Electricity = 48V * 80A * 10H = 38400Wh = 38.4kWh = 38.4 degrees
Electricity fee = electricity * electricity bill price = 38.4 * 1.5 yuan = 57.6 yuan
Such as Toyota front truck 7fbr15, optional 48V280AH, how much electricity charge is required?
Electricity fee = 1.5 yuan * 48V * 280AH * 0.14 * 10H / 1000 (divided by 1000 is whip conversion as KWH) = 28.224 yuan
Some friends see the above formula may say that now there is only 4-6 hours now, this calculation formula is not right, in fact, the quick charging method is simple to increase the current, when the time is 4-6 hours At the time, it is necessary to know that the current of the fast charger can be average the general charger, and the fast charge is a hard injury for the lead-acid battery, it is not worth recommending.
Of course, I also see another formula for calculating electricity bills.
For example, calculate 48V280AH, electricity fee = 1.5 yuan * 280ah * 48V * 1.2 / 0.85 / 1000 = 28.46, 0.85 is chargeable efficiency 1.2 is charging amount 1000 is whims of KWH
The current is multiplied by the capacity of the battery, and when reading it, it does not comply with the recoverable calculation of the unit in the electrical unit, and can only understand the product of the battery discharge current and time. If the output current can maintain a discharge of 10 hours, or the 15a output current can maintain an additional discharge of 1 hour.
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