When there is no current on the electrode, the electrode is in a balance, and the potential corresponding to the corresponding potential is referred to as a balancing potential (p}. When the current is passed through the electrode. The electrode potential will deviate from the balance value, which is referred to as the polarization of the electrode. Measure The degree of electrode polarization is the absolute value of the potential value and the balance potential value at a certain current density.
Experiments show that when the current is passed on the anode (negative electrode), the electrode potential moves in the positive direction, referred to as an anode polarization; when the current is passed, the electrode potential moves in the negative direction, referred to as cathode polarization.
The balanced electrode potential actually refers to an unlimited external current, an electrode reaction rate is unlimited, and the reaction material on the electrode is not resistant to electrode reaction, and the resulting or resulting electrons are immediately delivered or reactive, and thus maintain the surface of the electrode. The charge state is constant.
The actual electrode process is not possible without resistance, and the current is not unlimited, thus generating polarization and over-potential. According to the properties of the resistance of the electrode (pool) process, the polarization is divided into several types, such as activation overpotels, concentration overvisors, diffusion overpottices, ohmic overvoltothements. Recommend: LiFePO4 Battery Manufacturer Energy storage battery Manufacturer Integrated machine energy storage battery series Manufacturer Lead lithium battery Manufacturer Outdoor Backup Battery Manufacturer Portable outdoor power supply Manufacturer Power battery Manufacturer Powerwall LiFePO4 Battery Manufacturer Battery rack Manufacturers Telecom LiFePO4 Battery Manufacturer Wall mounted battery storage Manufacturer China Lifepo4 Battery