(1) Unti-use batteries should be charged before use, which is charged for the first time. Before the initial charging, the surface should be wiped clean, check if there is no damage, and ensure that the join is reliable.
(2) Open the air cover.
(3) Infiltration of a sulfuric acid electrolyte having a density of 1.260 ¡À 0.005 (25 ¡ã C) temperature at a temperature of 1.260 ¡À 0.005 (25 ¡ã C), and the liquid surface is higher from the protective plate 15 to 25 (mm). In order to reduce the temperature of the electrolyte due to chemical reactions, the electrolyte is sufficiently penetrating into the plate, within the bore, the battery is allowed to stand for 3 to 4 hours, no more than 8 hours. The primary charge can be carried out at 35 ¡ã C below 35 ¡ã C. (If necessary, it can cool down in the cold water tank) After the sedation, the lower liquid surface should make up the electrolyte.
(4) The electrolyte of the sulfuric acid is formed by being configured with a battery sulfuric acid that meets the national standard GB4554-84, and should not use industrial sulfuric acid to use. The electrolyte standard temperature (25 ¡ã C) density is pressed in the formula.
D25 = DT + 0.0007 (T-25)
Where: D25: 25 ¡ã C is electrolyte density.
DT: T ¡ã C The electrolytic solution is measured at me.
T: The temperature of the electrolyte when the density is measured.
(5) Wipe the electrolyte splashing on the surface of the battery, the positive and negative electrodes of the battery pack are respectively connected to the positive and negative end of the DC power supply (charger), and turn on the power; first use 30A (1st stage current) to charge When the voltage reaches 28.8V (12 ¡Á 2.4V = 28.8V), the second stage 15A is changed to continue charging. The electrolyte temperature is not exceeded 45 ¡ã C during charging, and it should be reduced by half charging current or suspend charging at approximately 45 ¡ã C; the temperature of the liquid is lowered to 35 ¡ã C and then continue to charge. However, it is necessary to extend the charging time.
(6) The basis of sufficient electricity: charging to voltage of 31.2V (12 ¡Á 2.6V = 31.2V) in the second stage, the voltage change is not more than 0.005 (V); the electrolyte density reaches 1.280 ¡À 0.005 (25 ¡ã C), 2 There is no significant change in hours and have a fierce bubble that is fiercely happening. Its charging capacity is 4 to 5 times the rated capacity, and the charging time is about 70 hours.
(7) In order to accurately control the sulfuric acid content in the electrolyte, the electrolyte density of each battery should be checked at the end of the charging; if it does not match, the distilled water or the density of 1.40 is adjusted, and should be in 2 hours in the state of charge. The electrolyte density is adjusted to the liquid level to the predetermined value.
(8) After the end of the primary charge, clean the surface of the battery, close the lid of the lid Liquid pore plug, and can be put into use.
Note: Hydrogen is accumulated in the battery box during charging, and the charging environment must have a good ventilation condition. It cannot be open fire, otherwise it will cause explosions, or fire.
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