PAFC is currently the largest manufacturer of generators - species fuel cells. 50200KW power PAFC is available for field applications, and PAFCs above 1000KW power can be applied to regional power stations. At present, more than 200KW PAFC-established PAFCs in the United States, Canada, Europe and Japan have run for many years, and 4500kW and 11000kW power stations have also begun to run.
The main technical breakthrough of PAFC is a structural material using carbon black and graphite as a battery. No, any-species other than charcoal has not been found to have high conductance, but also high corrosion resistance and low cost under acidic conditions. Therefore, it is possible to say that it is impossible to prepare a reasonable acid fuel cell for preparing costs.
PAFC is still the only commercial fuel cell technology worldwide to meet the needs of a portion of the market. The most famous PAFC power generation system is the 200KW system of Onsi, and many of this power station runs around the world. The main developer of PAFC is the US Onsi and Japan's Fuji, Toshiba and Mitsubishi. Most of the PAFC power station power has been running or running between 50 -200kW, there is a small number of MW and 10MW power stations.
The electrode and electrolyte technology of PAFC have entered the mature phase. The production of battery stack components has formed batch and scale, but they cannot compete with traditional power supplies. Therefore, the focus of development is transferred to how to improve the commercial competitiveness of PAFC technology. The focus is optimizing the system, increasing power density, and reducing costs.
The power density of the battery stack of the Bay Wuli 11 M W PA FC power plant in 1991 was 0. 142w / C lining. Therefore, the R & D goal of the International Fuel Battery Company (IFC, ONSI's parent company) in the early 1990s is that the power density is 0.188W / c m2, the life of 40000h, cost $ 400 / kW. Now some targets have reached or break through. The power density reaches 0. 306 w / cm2, that is, the average single battery voltage is 0. 71V, the current density 43 is MA / CM2. Thousands of small voltage drop is 4mV,
Mitsubishi Electric Co., Ltd. has also made progress on the components of the battery stack, and its 50o W small battery stack is 10000h of 200250mA / C, and thousands of hour voltages are only 2mV Recommend: LiFePO4 Battery Manufacturer Energy storage battery Manufacturer Integrated machine energy storage battery series Manufacturer Lead lithium battery Manufacturer Outdoor Backup Battery Manufacturer Portable outdoor power supply Manufacturer Power battery Manufacturer Powerwall LiFePO4 Battery Manufacturer Battery rack Manufacturers Telecom LiFePO4 Battery Manufacturer Wall mounted battery storage Manufacturer China Lifepo4 Battery